BONaroma - Peck Me Up (200g ground coffee)

BONaroma - Peck Me Up (200g ground coffee)

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A vibrant blend full of character, it is lively with notes of berries and dark chocolate and brown sugar sweetness. Topped with floral aroma, it is an ideal every day coffee for those who prefers a less intense cup.

Peck Me Up是一款風味富有層次的拼配咖啡,帶有黑朱古力口感及黑糖甜感,伴以莓果及花香,能夠成為你的日常咖啡之選。

Roasting Level 烘焙度 : Full City (Medium Dark) 中深度
Intensity 濃度 : 6 / 10
Country of Origin 產地 : Singapore 新加坡
Net Weight 淨重 : 200g

Ingredients 成份: Ground Coffee 咖啡粉

